Friday 16 March 2012

Party time at the morrell

Well considering I have a 1000 word summary due Monday and a 2000 word assignment due Friday. I for some reason thought it would a good idea to go out twice in one week and get absolute hammered . Firstly I went out with all the first years on Tuesday for someone's Birthday dressed as "forces" theme. So being last minute I found my most sailor like dress and got on it like sonic. Was such a good laugh but a bit odd without the normal lot with me. Then last night as "Rave" in the SU which was the best. Got absolutely wasted, drunk half a bottle of jack daniels and then decided after about an hour at rave that it was such a good idea to go to town. Well it was probs the best decision i've made all week. Had such a laugh with the bestie, was such a good night especially at the fact that someone managed to out drink me. LOL. Plus the fact that there where a few hot guys out. So all together had such a good few days. But unfortunately now I have to crack on with my work. Speak soon XOXO

Sunday 11 March 2012

A week of highs and lows

Well what a funny week. Up till Wednesday everything was fine and normal. Now Wednesday came and so did my double bridle lesson which was a slight waste of time for me but it was ok once my instructor got off the horse that is so I could get back on. Then thursday came and disaster struck. We all decided to have a swop around in are jumping lesson well it didnt go all to well, when I had to swap horses because I really couldnt ride the first one and ended up breaking down and crying in the middle of a lesson. looking back it was rather funny. Then thursday evening second jump lesson of the day which was better. Friday was normal and saturday was such a laugh. Rode carlo saturday morning and then later in the morning I went shopping with some friends and it was the most fun I have had in a while. Well and today has been good so far with the sun out spending the day chilling until tonight when I need to crack on with more assignments. Well 3 down only another 5 to go. Speak soon XOXO

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Jump lesson :)

Me and Carlo in are Jump lesson last week :) 


Well thought it was about time to update people on what's been going on recently.

1# Me and Carlo did are first ever novice dressage test together at the weekend which was for the riding club teams. Which was good fun and not a total disaster lol. We got are first ever rosette for 3rd place in my warm up class and then we got 58.48% in are novice class but he was so good so not worried about the score.

2# Currently no boys on the scene anymore .... for the moment anyways lol

3# Uni work is starting to take over my life ... not so good :(

4# Excited to take pony home in a few weeks for the easter holidays :)

Think that is about it in short. Well that's all. Talk soon XOXO